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News archive of our projects

1st Newsletter

BasicEdu, an Erasmus+ project, aims to enable more effective labour market integration of disadvantaged women & women in rural areas in the European Union.

3rd Newsletter

The CASYE partners developed a set of policy recommendations for policymakers and educators addressing the importance of further promoting youth social entrepreneurship in the creative sector.

3rd Newsletter

Between 24th-30th October 2021, the first short term staff training of the Inno4Impact project was carried out in Innsbruck (Austria) with the participation of youth workers and young people from Turkey, Austria, Spain, and Italy.

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas and happy new year from the Asociación Caminos team!

4th Newsletter

Bridges Multiplier Event in Portugal - The European project "BRIDGES - Broadening positive Reflections on the Issue of Disability Generating Empowerment for Stakeholders", held several meetings between the 10th and 12th of November 2021, online format.

2nd Newsletter

First short-term staff training has been implemented in Austria - Between 24th-30th October 2021, the first short term staff training of the Inno4Impact project was carried out in Innsbruck (Austria) with the participation of youth workers and young people from Turkey, Austria, Spain, and Italy.

1st Newsletter

Contrary to the majority of European environmental education projects and initiatives that are aimed at youth and pupils, the Climate Box project expands to target groups that are not typically considered, specifically adults from disadvantaged backgrounds and with lower levels of education.

2nd Newsletter

Thanks to the background analysis and the study of the good practices, we mapped out the competencies needed in the creative and cultural sector to develop a social economy enterprise, and, from there, elaborated a creative mentoring programme to foster creativity, social entrepreneurship and soft skills for beneficiaries.

1st Newsletter

As young people are powerful agents for change, they need to be acknowledged as citizens who can contribute to shaping European societies. Hence, youth work can play a crucial part in the development of youth workers' competences.

3rd Newsletter

Labour law and social protection is already an issue for native populations and is thus more challenging if somebody is coming from abroad and not familiar with the national system and requirements.

4th Newsletter

Since October 2020, in Italy, Greece, United Kingdom, France, Germany and Spain groups of young people are offering to their local community intercultural art-based activities inspired to Arte migrante experience.

Final Newsletter

We are happy to announce that all the three outputs foreseen by the project have been successfully finalized in the month of September 2021.

Project Newsletter

The InterMEDs partners are proud to present the InterMEDs Curriculum and Open Resource Toolbox, an integral part of “The InterMEDs - Fostering ‘Intercultural MEDiators’ as a practice for establishing communities coalition and mutual understanding” project.

3rd Newsletter

Learning to be Passionpreneurs - The corona pandemic did not prevent us from getting together – this time, online. Starting from March 16 to March 30, 2021 the participants met in Zoom to learn more about social entrepreneurship.

3rd Newsletter

Our work on IO2 Democracy Intervention Set continues...While drafting the theoretical content and the underlaying approach for our democracy training we conducted an additional round of testing on the activities we have selected.

4th Newsletter

SymfoS for Youth Care Distance Training Course Development. Partners from Austria, Germany, Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom worked hard during the last months for the realisation of the Distance Training Course.

1st Newsletter

Discover the CASYE project! Find more information on the website, check out the info card and inform yourself with the country research. This newsletter also includes a link to download a collection of good practices.

3rd Newsletter

The COVID-19 pandemic has had an important effect on every society worldwide in practically every area of life: health, work, culture, family, social networks, etc. Nonetheless, many people from different vulnerable collective have suffered its effects in a much more pronounced way.

1st Newsletter

This newsletter is a maiden edition for the project Restoring Respect through Music Education (RRME), which uses the underlying restorative justice values of respect and power sharing, as well as an innovative social action music programme called "El Sistema".

3rd Newsletter

We did it! The organisations involved in the project developed their own first publicevents based on Arte Migrante methodology s they learnt to do during theshort-term joint staff training back in October.

1st Newsletter

Online training program for single parents. How to improve your literacy, numeracy, digital competences and entrepreneurial skills.

1st Newsletter

Welcome to the first newsletter of the “Free from Gender Based Discrimination: Teachers and Parents Together projects”.

2nd Newsletter

In November 16-19, 2020 the partner organizations got together virtually to try out some of the methods each organization has brought forward to assess their validity.

2nd Newsletter

Latest news! We are glad to inform you that the English version of the PASSIONPRENEURS Training Programme is now available online.

2nd Newsletter

The first intermediate transnational partner meeting was originally planned in Italy, but due to the Covid-19 emergency it was held on October 21 , 2020 on Zoom.

1st Newsletter

SMEs (especially social enterprises), Start-Ups or young entrepreneurs are very often low budgeted and therefore do not have the financial means to develop and install tools and trainings to further develop their business and the competencies of their teams.

2nd Newsletter

Now available on MaMuMi website and YouTube the introductory video to the intellectual output 2: “ MaMuMi Music Workshop Manual”. The video is a visual guide on how to run a MaMuMi Song Story Workshop.

1st Newsletter

REACH YOUTH speaks directly to youth workers, social workers, teachers and those who can have a long-lasting impact on young people lives. Our partnership aims at providing innovative and highly effective tools and face to face trainings to youth workers.

1st Newsletter

The main aim of the project is to extend and develop the competences of adult education trainers and other personnel who support adult learners in diverse sectors and activities, based on the EC’s Digital Competencies Framework.

3rd Newsletter

The first Intellectual Result of the project the Research Paper and Transnational Adaptation Plans for Implementing Symbol Work presenting findings from Austria, Germany, Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom.

1st Newsletter

The 3STEPS project aims to upscale two successful methodologies previously implemented Basic Education Classes and Tandem Now selected in 2017 by the European Commission as “inspiring resource” to tackle early school leaving.

2nd Newsletter

This document is compiled on the basis of research conducted by the “Know Your Rights” partners. The report follows the the analyses of the national contexts of five EU countries.

1st Newsletter

BRIDGES is an ERASMUS+ project which supports a holistic and integrated approachas well as efficient and effective actions towards the disabled people’s participation in society, labour and economy.

1st Newsletter

In My Art is a project promoted by Per Esempio Onlus to empower young people to take action towards social inclusion and intercultural community building, especially in multicultural contexts.

1st Newsletter

Improving Migrants’ Knowledge on labour rights: “Know Your Rights” project's objective is to train migrant workers to improve their knowledge on their rights in the workforce both within specific countries and according to EU employment laws.

ParentBank: Press Release

‘Enhancing the social inclusion of low income single parents’ is an Erasmus + Strategic Partnerships in Adult Education project, financed by the European Commission through A.N.P.C.D.E.F.P. It has a duration of 2 years.

1st Newsletter

MaMuMi “Mapping the Music of Migration” is a two-year pan-European, Erasmus+ musical inheritance project focused on talking about music and song as a tool for intercultural competency. It has 7 partners in Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Norway, Spain and the UK.

1st Newsletter

PASSIOPRENEURS is a two-year Erasmus+ project that proposes an innovative intervention, in which people with fewer opportunities will be supported to form social entrepreneurship, exploiting their interests, talents and passions and responding to community challenges and needs.

Second transnational training in Granada

In the week from the 21st to 25th of October, the second transnational Train-the-Practitioner Training of SymfoS for Youth Care project was held at the Faculty of Political Sciences and Sociology of the University of Granada.

The Adaptaion and Policy Package is finished!

With the conclusion of the development of the Adaption and Policy Package, the last major output of BooStress project has been finished and published. The Package contains information and advice on the successful implementation of BooStress’ resources and policy recommendations.

The BooStress eLearning platform is now available in English!

CARDET, Association Caminos and Future in Perspective are proud to announce that the BooStress eLearning platform is now available in English. Through the e-learning section, young professionals can access BooStress‘ full range of the online training material.

Reducing gender related stereotypes

Shanarani is a 18-months Erasmus+ Key Action 2 – Strategic Partnership in the field of Youth. It aims to raise awareness of youngsters on gender issues, in particular on the importance of reducing gender related stereotyping and promoting gender equal opportunities.

Official Launch of the Platform

Shanarani partnership is pleased to announce to all youth workers all over Europe the official launch of the Shanarani Gamification Platform, designed to stimulate young people in the reflection on gender stereotypes in our society.

The end of a journey

It has been 18 months since the beginning of an extraordinary journey that has contributed to raising awareness young people from six different countries about the existing gender gap. Shanarani partnership was pleased to...

Boosting the skills of youth to deal with stress at work

An Erasmus+ project kicked-off in December 2017 aiming to boost the skills of youth to deal with stress at work. „BooStress“ brings together 3 partners from Cyprus, Ireland and Spain who work on the development and implementation for 2 years until October 2019.

What we achieved in the first 6 months

All partners completed an extensive research process with young professionals, employers and stakeholders in Cyprus, Ireland, Spain and from other European countries. The aim was to uncover current resources and programms which help to manage work related stress.

1st Newsletter - Symfos for Youth Care

“SymfoS for Youth Care” (SFYC) develops an innovative counselling method based on the approach of Symbol Work. The implementation of this method in the youth welfare system could significantly improve the integration chances of disadvantaged young people (NEETS) in Europe.