Official Launch of the Platform

Shanarani partnership is pleased to announce to all youth workers all over Europe the official launch of the Shanarani Gamification Platform, designed to stimulate young people in the reflection on gender stereotypes in our society.

The platform will allow youth workers to create a training programme for young people using digital and face-to-face tools on gender issues. The platform and all related materials are available in five languages: English, Greek, Lithuanian, Italian, Bulgarian and Spanish.

Young people will be supported to reflect on their life and their future, since childhood until the adult age. The inevitable doubts about individual life’s choices will allow youth workers to stimulate interesting and deeply conversations with youngsters on the importance of eradicating gender stereotypes and prejudice in our society and how gender issues influence and impact in our daily life.

Would you like to find more about the platform?

Manuals for Youth workers

Shanarani aims to catch the attention of young people on gender issue using innovative ways. This is one of the reasons why Shanarani partnership created in the last months a set of manuals to help youth workers to create innovative and interactive training programmes for young people of all ages and all countries. Finally, the first three Handbooks for youth workers are available on Shanarani official website.

What you will find?

European Gender Facts – Handbook for Trainers

 European Gender Facts – Handbook for Trainers 

Shanarani partnership is pleased to announce to all youth workers all over Europe the official launch of the Shanarani Gamification Platform, designed to stimulate young people in the reflection on gender stereotypes in our society.

The platform will allow youth workers to create a training programme for young people using digital and face-to-face tools on gender issues. The platform and all related materials are available in five languages: English, Greek, Lithuanian, Italian, Bulgarian and Spanish.

Film & Acting – Handbook for Youth Workers

 Film & Acting – Handbook for Youth Workers 

Shanarani partnership is pleased to announce to all youth workers all over Europe the official launch of the Shanarani Gamification Platform, designed to stimulate young people in the reflection on gender stereotypes in our society.

The platform will allow youth workers to create a training programme for young people using digital and face-to-face tools on gender issues. The platform and all related materials are available in five languages: English, Greek, Lithuanian, Italian, Bulgarian and Spanish.

Music – Handbook for Youth Workers

Music – Handbook for Youth Workers  

Shanarani partnership is pleased to announce to all youth workers all over Europe the official launch of the Shanarani Gamification Platform, designed to stimulate young people in the reflection on gender stereotypes in our society.

The platform will allow youth workers to create a training programme for young people using digital and face-to-face tools on gender issues. The platform and all related materials are available in five languages: English, Greek, Lithuanian, Italian, Bulgarian and Spanish.

For free download and more information about the tools, please visit our website:

Shanarani piloting

In the last months Shanarani partnership started the piloting phase of the project, trying and testing the platform and all methodologies collected in the manuals with youth workers and young people of six different countries.

  • A training for trainers
    One of the main protagonists of the piloting phase are European youth workers. They had the opportunity to join a special training to know more about the project, the status quo of gender issues in Europe and how to use Shanarani activities and methodologies.
  • Activities for young people
    300 youngsters in Europe tested in the last months the platform in Cyprus, Italy, Lithuania, Spain, Ireland and Bulgaria. Thanks to the Shanarani methodologies they reflected on gender issues around them and the impact on the society and in their daily life.


To know more about other piloting actions in your country, write to XXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXX. 


Shanarani is a 18-months project co-financed by the European Commission under Erasmus+ programme, Key Action 2 – Strategic Partnership in the field of Youth. It aims to create attractive methodologies for young people and raise awareness youngsters on gender issues, in particular on the importance of reducing gender related stereotyping and promoting gender equal opportunities for all.


 Read more about the project in our website


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